
Verband Angestellter Apotheker Österreichs, Austrian Association of Employed Pharmacists

VAAOE, Founding Member of EPhEU, is the professional representant for the employee pharmacists in Austria and has the authority to negotiate collective agreements for them.

The aims of VAAOE, as laid down in the statutes, are to protect and help employee pharmacists in all professional matters, especially by individual legal advice in matters concerning their work.

VAAOE negotiates every year the increase of the salary and other improvements of the collective agreements concerning working conditions for the employee pharmacists working in community and hospital pharmacies. In recent times, one of the main aims is to obtain better regulations for stand-by work.

VAAOE has more than 3500 members (2015), active and retired employee pharmacists, and represents about 2/3 of the pharmacists employed in community and hospital pharmacies.

For its members VAAOE offers: 

  • Professional indemnity insurance
  • Individual legal advice in all questions concerning their work (salary, working hours, labour contract,…)
  • Scientific continuing professional development and information (lectures, courses, journals)


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