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FranceEPhEUJuly 21, 2024
Summary of demographic data AS OF JANUARY 1ST, 2024
As of January 1, 2024, there are 74 219 pharmacists registered with the Order (+0,6 % compared to January 1, 2023). This figure has increased by 1,8 % over the past ten years. The...
EPhEUJuly 21, 2024
Special report 10/2024: The recognition of professional qualifications in the EU – An essential mechanism, but used sparsely and inconsistently
While member states may set rules for access to professions, the TFEU guarantees the free movement of labour and services and freedom of establishment within the EU single market. In...
CroatiaEPhEUJune 30, 2024
European Association of Employed Community Pharmacists: Reflections from the Zagreb Executive Board Meeting 28th and 29th June 2024
This June, the vibrant city of Zagreb hosted the European Association of Employed Community Pharmacists (EPhEU) for our semi-annual Executive Board meeting. Held at the Hotel Dubrovnik,...
NorwayEPhEUJune 28, 2024
Norwegian pharmacists employed by the state are on strike
The Norwegian state wants all state employees to enter the same collective agreement. That will give state employed pharmacists worse salary development than the existing...
NorwayEPhEUJune 28, 2024
KEY FIGURES 2023 - Pharmacies and pharmaceuticals in Norway
Norwegian pharmacies are mainly run as private enterprises. Only the hospital pharmacies are owned by the public sector (Regional Health Authorities). Nevertheless, the pharmacies are...
NorwayEPhEUDecember 01, 2023
Norwegian Medicines Agency is given greater responsibilities and becomes a directorate from January 1st
The new directorate assumes more tasks and a greater responsibility, especially related to supply security and emergency preparedness, procurement and public financing of medical products....
EPhEUNovember 15, 2023
EPhEU calls on pharmacists to support World AMR Awareness Week 2023
EPhEU (Employed community Pharmacists in Europe) is supporting World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) which runs from 18 – 24 November 2023. WAAW is an annual, global campaign that aims to...
CroatiaEPhEUNovember 08, 2023
Progressus - new EPhEU member from Croatia
Progressus is a new Croatian association of pharmacists dedicated to empowering the colleagues in community pharmacies. As our mission, values and goals are compatible with the EPhEU, one of...
EUEPhEUNovember 02, 2023
The 11th General Assembly of EPhEU Employed Community Pharmacists in Europe
Leaders from the pharmacy sector gathered for the 11th General Assembly of the EPhEU Employed Community Pharmacists in Europe. Over the two-day conference, we held from the 26th to the 27th...
GermanyOctober 22, 2023
Closed pharmacies and postcard campaign
Across Germany, pharmacy employees and pharmacy managers protested on 14 June 2023 for a strengthening of community pharmacies as well as for fair remuneration - and thus for greater margins...
FranceJune 20, 2023
News from France
The new board of the Central Council of Section D of the National Order of Pharmacists (assistant pharmacists, managers of mutual or mining pharmacies and other categories of pharmacists)...
EUEPhEUJuly 12, 2022
Medicines to Ukraine – A personal reflection on the recent visit to Ukraine by PDA Chairman Mark Koziol
NorwayEUJuly 12, 2022
News from Norway
UKEUJuly 12, 2022
News from UK
PDA is a member of EPhEU, which is the umbrella union for many pharmacist unions across the continent of Europe. Currently, PDA holds a senior position within that organization and as the...
EPhEUJuly 12, 2022
Sending Medicines to Ukraine
With the various members of EPhEU spreading out across the continent, some of the pharmacists are in Ukraine and some are struggling with keeping the hospital service operational in the face...
EPhEUFebruary 28, 2022
Statement of EPhEU
Pharmacy organisations across Europe unite to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine. What we have seen happening in Ukraine is astonishing and agonising, we have entered an extremely...
UKEUJuly 12, 2020
News from UK June 2020
Please read this document about reducing the risk of Covid-19 in the community pharmacy:
NorwayEUJuly 12, 2020
News from Norway May 2020
Please follows this link about recent events from Norway:
CroatiaEUApril 10, 2020
News from Croatia April 2020
As the coronavirus, COVID-19, continues to spread around the world, we can see massive efforts being made worldwide to stop its spread. Our institution is also trying to implement a lot of...
NorwayEUJuly 12, 2019
News from Norway September 2019
Please follows this link about recent events from Norway:
FranceEUJuly 12, 2019
News from France August 2019
Ordinal elections, which began in the spring of 2019, ended on Monday 1st July with the election of the National Council Board, renewing Carine Wolf-Thal as President. Thus, all the...
UKEUJuly 12, 2019
News from UK Juli 2019
Please follows these links about recent events in the UK:
UKEUJuly 12, 2018
News from UK
For news from the UK you can read the latest news section from the PDA Union website
EUEPhEUJuly 12, 2018
News from EPhEU
Survey on economic and social situation of European employee pharmacists We want to know more about the salaries, working times and holidays of our employee colleagues all over Europe,...
AustriaEUJuly 12, 2018
News from Austria
The new government (coalition between conservatives and right-wing) starting in December 2017 has already changed a lot of regulations. Impacts on pharmacists will have, to a certain degree,...
FranceEUJuly 12, 2018
News from France
Read some news from France in the document below (in French).
GermanyEUJuly 12, 2018
News from Germany
In their coalition agreement, the governing parties Union and SPD have codified two key issues from ADEXA’s perspective: a ban on internet sale of prescription drug and the intention to...
MonacoEUJuly 12, 2018
News from Monaco
As all in the others countries of UE all the pharmacists who trade by internet must at the end of May apply to the RGPD to protect the personal data collected. Monaco is not an...
PolandEUJuly 12, 2018
Polish Pharmacy Trade Union (ZZPF) officially launched
Poland officially launched Polish Pharmacy Trade Union (ZZPF). On 15th of June our organization started to introduce the board to the public, organize a meeting and engage new...
AustriaEUJune 20, 2018
Survey on working time and salaries of employee pharmacists 2018
Last year, the members of EPhEU decided to start a survey on the working time and the salaries of employee pharmacists in Europe, as we noticed, that the regulations in the...
CroatiaOctober 20, 2017
An 700th anniversary in Croatia 2017
The celebration of the 700th anniversary of continuous work of the Friars Minor Pharmacy within the Franciscan Monastery in Dubrovnik was held on 10th and 11th November 2017. As a part of...
GermanyEUJuly 12, 2017
Wirtschaftliche Interessen vor Patientenschutz in Deutschland 2017
In Deutschland stoßen Vorschläge der EU-Kommission, die nationalen Regelungen für Heilberufler stärker zu überprüfen, auf wenig Gegenliebe. Vertreter aus Medizin und Pharmazie sprachen...
BelgiumEUJuly 12, 2017
The role of the pharmacist in the personalised care of patients 2017
Challenges, responsibilities and opportunities
FranceEUJuly 12, 2017
30ème Journée de l’Ordre 2017
Plus de 1 000 personnes ont participé à la 30ème Journée de l’Ordre, le 20 novembre dernier. Un moment fort de la profession autour du thème « L’exercice pharmaceutique...
PolandEUJuly 12, 2017
Pharmacist day in Poland 2017
For more than 20 years, polish pharmacist day was only organized for polish pharmacist. This year the formula of the current celebrations has been changed, it has been extended to the...
AustriaEUJuly 12, 2017
Elections in Austria 2017
Elections: the parliamentary elections on October 15th brought a big change to the Austrian political landscape. The Ecologist party lost their seats, winners were the conservatives...
GermanyEUJuly 12, 2016
News aus Deutschland 2016
Andreas May, PTA und Vorsitzender des ADEXA-Landesvorstands Bayern, wird künftiger Erster Vorsitzender der Apothekengewerkschaft. Er löst zum Jahresbeginn 2017 Barbara Stücken-Neusetzer...
FranceEUJuly 12, 2016
News from France 2016
Le Conseil national de l’Ordre des pharmaciens prépare depuis plusieurs mois une refonte du code de déontologie des pharmaciens. Lors de sa séance du 6 septembre, le projet de nouveau...
AustriaEUJuly 09, 2016
Amendments from Austria 2016
In April, amendments to different articles of the Pharmacies Law have been decided by the Austrian Parliament: Article 10 had to be changed due to a decision of the European Court...
HungaryEUJuly 09, 2016
News from Hungary 2016
• The introduction of the e-prescription is at hand, from 2017 live operation will begin. The most important change will be that these prescriptions will be directly...
UKEUJuly 09, 2015
Electronic Records in UK 2015
Since 2014, 125 community pharmacies throughout the UK have been invited to participate in a trial whereby they were given access the (partial) electronic records of patients called Summary...
FranceEUJuly 09, 2015
News from France 2015
“Our aim is to imagine the coming tendencies which will influence in the future the service of the nearly 27 000 employee pharmacists registered at the Order” (Jérôme Parésys-Barbier,...
AustriaEUJuly 09, 2015
News from Austria 2015
Until the end of June, distance selling has to be possible in every EU – member state and Austria is the last to allow it. As far as is known up to now, the decree states that distance...
AustriaJune 14, 2014
News archive from EPhEU 2014
FIP is the global federation representing three million pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists worldwide. Founded in 1912, the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is the global...
CroatiaMay 24, 2014
1st pharmacy day in Croatia 2014
Croatian Pharmaceutical Society and the Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists, under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia are organising, for the eighth consecutive...
AustriaEUMay 24, 2014
News Archive Austria 2014
Due to the collective salary agreements between VAAÖ (for the employee) and the Austrian Association of Pharmacists (for the employer), the salaries of employee pharmacists were augmented...
FranceEUMarch 13, 2014
News Archive France 2014
Ce référentiel est issu d’un travail collaboratif associant notamment l’Ordre, la HAS, des organisationssyndicales, des professionnels de santé et des méthodologistes. VIEW...