Survey on economic and social situation of European employee pharmacists
We want to know more about the salaries, working times and holidays of our employee colleagues all over Europe, therefore we have made two questionnaires on this behalf, one for Organizations representing pharmacists, one for the pharmacists themselves.
You can find both here on our homepage, please download them and send your answers by e-mail to or by post mail to: VAAOE, Spitalgasse 31, 1090 Wien, Austria.

General Assembly with elections in October 2018
Our General Assembly will be held on October 16th and 17th in Warsaw, on the first day the members will elect a new Executive Board for the period 1st January 2019 – 31st December 2021, further the presidents and the treasurer will give their reports and points of intern interest be discussed.
On the second day we will have a first discussion of our survey, hear news from the different countries and in the afternoon have round-tables about digitalization, and especially on these three themes:

  1. E-pharmacy
  2. E-prescription
  3. Electronic health record

FIP World Congress in Glasgow (August 31st – September 6th)
EPhEU, an Observer Member of FIP, was represented at the Council Meeting by the president Ulrike Mayer; some other members were attending on behalf of their national organizations.
This gave the opportunity for a meeting of EPhEU member and friends on Tuesday 4th were the upcoming general Assembly and the first results of the survey were discussed.
The motto of the FIP Congress 2018 was “Transforming outcomes” and the sessions subjects ranged from highly technical to application of new methods in the community pharmacy.

European Union
Since 25 May this year, the data protection regulation entered into force and we were all busy, privately, in our organizations and also in the pharmacies to make sure not to employ data we should not.
From next February on, another regulation, the Falsified Medicines Directive will have an impact on our work in the pharmacies. We will have to verify every box of medicines that goes to a patient and make sure it is not falsified – that will change the work of pharmacists greatly in quite some countries.

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