Polish Pharmacy Trade Union (ZZPF) officially launched
Date published: July 12, 2018
Poland officially launched Polish Pharmacy Trade Union (ZZPF).
On 15th of June our organization started to introduce the board to the public, organize a meeting and engage new members. Dr Piotr Merks, was elected as a chairman, Mr Marek Szynkiewicz (MPharm) was elected as vice president and Mr Klaudiusz Gajewski (MPharm) as a treasurer.
The official website was launched: www.zzpf.org.pl.
We have already undertaken some action regarding presentation of our organization. We officially wrote a letter to the Polish National Chamber to introduce ourselves as well as wrote an open letter for the round table for all stakeholders involved in pharmacy market.
Secondly the organization was acting as an advisor to Supreme Audit Office regarding the problem with antibiotics in meat that was discovered in Poland. ZZPF advised to launch a new position for pharmacist to control the administration of antibiotics on the farms. Currently there is no control at all.
Shortly we will introduce our action plan for the next year.